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I have tried so many fad diets and fitness programs and none of them have worked. How is your program any different?

>>> Our program is very different because it focuses on you personally. So many fad diets and exercise regimens fail Not because they don't work but because they fail you. You are the one who will have to follow the instructions and exercise goals indicated by a specific program and if it is not tailor-made for who you are and designed around what your lifestyle is about then it will ultimately fail. We craft our exercise and diet regimen in a way that can be easily followed by anyone but also can be customized to fit exactly who you are.

How much experience do you have as a personal trainer or fitness instructor? Is this just another method or device that will not work at all?

>>> The answer to this question is I have almost no experience as a personal trainer or fitness instructor. If you really think about it and let's be truthful here Fitness instructors and personal trainers May in fact be good at helping you be more efficient and dedicated in your exercise programs but I think in the end the one thing they are good at is training themselves. They all look good and most of them are knowledgeable about whatever it is that they're teaching. Is this enough for you? Has it been enough so far? If the answer is no then you owe it to yourself to discover how a personalized plan that allows you to look inside yourself can help you achieve your fitness goals not only now but long into the future.

What background or experience do we have? What makes you qualified to give you advice on fitness and health?

>>> If you're asking what degrees do I have in kinesiology and fitness the answer is none of the above. My qualification stems from the fact that I was just like you. I was in a position where I was very overweight and my health was severely compromised. I have high blood pressure. I have all manner of ailments caused by a bad diet and lack of exercise. I turned my entire life around by deciding that enough was enough and I used one simple method to make sure that I could gain my health back and finally get the body and lifestyle that I have been dreaming about almost my entire life. My qualification is that I am you and I have been you and I will instruct you from a platform of knowing what you've been through and understanding how to get you from here to where you are today to the next level in your life. The next level is fitness, joy and happiness from knowing that you achieved your goals.

Why have other fitness programs and weight loss methods not work for me? Why do I expect yours to be any different?

>>> The reason other fitness programs and weight loss methods have not worked for you is very simple. They are designed for everyone in mind when they should have been worked out to include everyone in a more personal way. If I am your personal trainer it's supposed to be a personal experience designed around who you are and what your body type and disposition is. So many weight loss and diet methods are not personal and can never truly succeed for you because they don't take into consideration who you are and how you live your life.

How does your diet and fitness guide and methodology help if I need to lose an excessive amount of weight?

>>> Our methods actually work! If you follow our simple diet and fitness guide methodology you will discover that the weight will begin coming off much faster than you think. You will be astounded how quickly you improve your physique. It's all about what you're willing to do and how motivated you are.

Using your methods how quickly will the weight come off? What are the results that I can hope to see?

>>> Our methods focus on the mathematics of weight loss so it is a much more linear and guaranteed process assuming you do what you're supposed to do. If you follow these methods then the weight should come off at approximately 10 to 15 pounds per month in a normal healthy manner. This means that at the end of three months you could have stood to lose anywhere from 30 to 45 lb in a six month. You might lose between 60 to 90 lb. This is a very safe and realizable time frame to lose weight in and it is a healthy way I'm getting in shape.

Are my results guaranteed?

>>> Of course your results will not be guaranteed! When it comes to a physical fitness routine the primary responsibility for making it work falls into your hands. I cannot guarantee anything that you're doing personally. If we give you specific instructions you should be able to reach your fitness goals in no time at all. That's the only guarantee we can give at this time.

Does this program work as well for men as it does for women? Does it work better for a specific body type?

>>> This program works just as well for men as it does for women. Most weight loss methods do not give you any specific numbers to go on so you're left wondering exactly how effective it will be for you in the long run. With our method we use a very simple mathematical formula to give you a clear guideline for how the weight will come off and it is very effective regardless of body type.

Will your program help me gain more muscle and lean mass?

>>> This program is not focused specifically on gaining more muscle or lean mass but it will be a happy result as a byproduct of what you're doing. What I have found is that lean mass develops as a result of the amount of effort and the type of work that you put in. Cardio is the best way to promote weight loss but even if you're doing a lot of that you will notice that lean mass will increase as a result while fat stores reduce. If your goal is to become more muscular it is always a good idea to remove the fat first before you try to gain muscle mass. In the same way you would build a house by pouring concrete into the foundation before you build any other part of the structure.

Will your program help me with my nutrition and developing healthier eating habits?

>>> A very large part of this program focuses on nutrition and healthy eating habits. What I have found is that a large part of the battle is the type of fuel that you put into your body in the form of the food that you eat. If you're not eating healthy clean food then getting in shape will be significantly harder if not impossible. You cannot take for granted how important healthy eating is when it comes to losing weight and feeling better about yourself and your overall physical outlook.

I have a number of health conditions. How will this guide help me get fit even though I am not perfectly healthy and have some health problems?

>>> No matter what your condition you can benefit from our fitness program. We focus on going in moderation and have a primary motivation towards the long-run goal. Most people think that fitness is more of a short-term thing and they burn themselves out as a result. We teach our customers that it is a day-to-day battle and a regular struggle and that is why each and every day you go at your own pace and you work as hard as you can. Even with health conditions you can still see significant results.

Can I use your nutritional guide even if I have dietary requirements and need medication?

>>> You should always follow your doctor's guidance when it comes to your nutritional guidelines. However with that being said as long as you make sure to temper what it is you're doing with our nutritional program against what your doctor says you should be fine. Stay away from the foods that are unhealthy for you and focus on clean eating and use our guidelines as a framework for how you might modify your diet and physical fitness approach to achieve best results.

What if I don't see any results? Can I get my money back?

>>> We work very hard for you but do not offer a money-back guarantee. Quite simply when you purchase a service or product you have the implicit guarantee that there will be something provided but especially in the sales industry there is no way of knowing how much or little will be gained by your personal efforts. Imagine yourself buying a lottery ticket and then when it doesn't win you want your money back. With every product especially a product of this type it works as well as you do. Therefore there is the risk of getting an abundance of rewards or not quite so much so you accept what you get with the nominal amount that is paid.

What we do for you:

> A Real Diet Plan

>> Our diet plan is not once size fits all. Each and every persons body and metabolism is going to be different thus requiring a custom solution for that particular person. We work to help you find a diet goal that is real and defined.

> The Fitness Mindset

>> A very large portion of fitness is how you think and what your actions are based upon those thoughts. We help you get in the right frame of mind for success!

> Craft a custom Fitness plan for YOU

>> Our fitness plan is not once size fits all. Each and every persons body and metabolism is going to be different thus requiring a custom solution for that particular person. We work to help you find an exercise and fitness program that is unique and effective.

> Real Results 

>> Achieve your diet and fitness goals for the first time in your life.  We give you real expectations and you can see results in real-time.

> Create Healthy Habits

>> Much of diet and fitness is just showing up and doing the same things over and over again until you achieve results. We make it happen.

> Goal Oriented Progress

>> We will help you set up realistic goals and then adhere to them closely for maximum results!

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How many diet and exercise fads have you tried? Too many to name? Have any of them worked for you? Maybe some of them worked a little bit but your own will to go on and so many different food and lifestyle temptations probably stripped it all away very quickly. Soon enough you were back to where you started the same weight or heavier. Maybe you spent a whole bunch of money on food or equipment with nothing to show for it.

This diet and fitness program WORKS. So many people have changed their lives. Order today.





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